Review Saint Books – Free Books in return for an honest Review!
#1. Please Stay
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- *Please Stay [For Review] by Greg Payan. Price is: Free in Return for a Honest Review. Genres are: Biography of the Day, Sponsor, A True Love Story, Brain Aneurysm. Please Note: This book is $9.99 on the Kindle Store. You can leave a Review at the store, after reading. Thank you.
#2. Goodbye Christmas
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- *Goodbye Christmas [For Review] by Gary Clark. Price is: Free in Return for a Review. Genres are: Children’s Book of the Day, Sponsor, Inspirational Stories. 37 pages. Please Note: It is perfect for ages 3-8!. Please leave a honest comment, review, after reading. Here is the link to the book on Amazon.
#3. The Castle at the Bottom of the Lake
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- *The Castle At the Bottom of the Lake [For Review] by Audrey Swindon. Price is: Free in Return for a Review. Genres are: Occult Horror Book of the Day, Sponsor, Ghosts, British Stories. 291 pages. Please Note: This book is based on a real life archeological discovery! Written by a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author. Please leave a honest comment, review, after reading. Here is the link to the book on Amazon.
#4. Plagued
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- *Plagued [For Review] by Garrison Scott. Price is: Free in Return for a Review. Genres are: Fantasy of the Day, Sponsor, Post Apocalyptic SciFi. 315 pages. Please leave a honest comment, review, after reading. Here is the link to the book on Amazon.
#5. The Unfinished Puzzle
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- *The Unfinished Puzzle [For Review] by Ashley Alice White. Price is: Free in Return for a Review. Genres are: Personal Growth Book of the Day, Sponsor, Religion & Spirituality. 167 pages. Please Note: “The Unfinished Puzzle” is a 50-day devotional which will take you on a personal journey and strengthen your friendship with your Creator. Please leave a honest comment, review, after reading. Here is the link to the book on Amazon.
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