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- *In My Power – A Murder Mystery (Mobi Kindle Format) by R. S. Dorian. Price is: Free. Genres are: 18+ Mystery Thriller of the Day, Sponsor, He is swept up in a dark world of organized crime, hypnosis, mind control, and murder. Rated: 4.7 stars on 4 Reviews. 115 pages. ASIN: B08FXXR1NL. Also, get the ePub Version here, please. Note: If you like this book, please leave an honest review here, please.
- *The Accounts of Benny’s Diner and Other Stories (Mobi Kindle Format) by D.F. Lopez. Price is: Free. Genres are: Christian Fiction of the Day, Sponsor, A Different Perspective of the end of the world, June must reconcile her ways to God or risk losing eternity. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 292 pages. ASIN: B01LZ7GWKS. Note: If you like this book, please leave an honest review here, please.
- *Berlin 2039 – The Reign Of Anarchy by Karsten Krepinsky. Price: Free. Genre: Hard Boiled Mystery of the Day, Sponsor, Two-Hour Mystery, Crime, Berlin 2039 Futuristic Fiction. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 75 pages. ASIN: B08XJKZ8BG. Also, get the eBook version here, please. Note: If you like this book, please leave an honest review here, please.
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