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- *Urban Marriage 7: Bipolar Newlywed Desperately Seeking Intimacy (MOBI) by Tulipe Pascere. Price is: Free. Genres are: Christian Romance of the Day, Sponsor, Clean Romance, newlywed bipolar woman seeks advice from a Christian college campus nurse about lack of intimacy with her husband over twice her age. Also, get the ePub Format here, please. Note: If you liked the book, please leave an honest review here. Thank you.
- *A New God in Athens: A humorous sci-fi and fantasy action in classical Greece (Battle of New Gods Book 3) (PDF) by Peter Kornis. Price is: Free. Genres are: Science Fiction of the Day, Sponsor, Fantasy, A humorous sci-fi and fantasy action in classical Greece. Get the Mobi version here, and the the ePub Format here, please. Please Note: If you liked this book, please leave an honest review on Amazon. Thank you.
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