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- ***The Secret Life of Mrs. London by Rebecca Rosenberg. Price is: Free. Genres are: Women’s Fiction, Sponsor, A brilliantly written historical novel about Charmain London, a Pioneer in the Feminist Movement. Rated: 4.4 stars on 220 Reviews. 320 pages. ASIN: B072KRP7MN. Please note: Author has shared the book file free in return for a honest review. Only download it if you intend to leave a review on the author’s page on Amazon. Thank you.
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- *An American Song: Nazareth Road by Jeffy C. Edie. Price is: Free. Genres are: Political Fiction Book of the Day, Sponsor, Historical Fiction, The Consequences of War for the American Poor Working Class, A Rich Man’s War but a Poor Man’s Fight. Rated: 4.4 stars on 2 Reviews. 523 pages. ASIN: B06ZYLC5CC. Support the author! Please leave a honest review on the book’s page on the store.
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