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Free Spy Thriller!
- *Launch Code: A Spy Novel (Adam Chin Trilogy Book 2) by Lloyd Richardson. Price is: Free. Genres are: Spy Thriller of the Day, Sponsor, International Crime Syndicate, Iran Nuclear Program, Terrorism Thriller. Please Note: Author has made this book free for review purposes. Please leave a honest review after reading. Here is the book’s page on Amazon. Thank you.
- *Obsidian: Birth to Venus (The Obsidian Chronicles Book 1) by Marisa Victus. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction of the Day, Sponsor, Action & Adventure. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 282 pages. ASIN: B01N64GTFF. Please leave a honest review after reading this book!
- *Planet Chimera (Legacies of Monsters Book 1) by Bryan Nyaude. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction of the Day, Sponsor, An Assassin Trapped on a Savage Planet, A Powerful Darkness Lurks and Shadows him. Rated: 4 stars on 2 Reviews. 172 pages. ASIN: B01B0UMPV0. When done reading, please follow this link and leave a honest review on the book’s page on the Store.
- *Motorbikes and Camels ePub Version by Nejoud Al-Yagou. Price is: Free. Genres are: Poetry Book of the Day, Sponsor, Free in return for a honest review. Get the Motorbikes and Camels (PDF Version), here please. Leave a comment on Amazon and Goodreads here. Thank you!
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