4.1 Million Readers Proof & Screenshots 615,000+ Daily Active Readers

Understanding Books Butterfly's 615,000+ Daily Active Readers

Daily Active Readers - Our Readers who visit our Apps and Blogs and Twitter Accounts every single day

Our Readers - 4.1 Million+ Readers
Our Daily Active Readers - 615,000+ Daily Active Readers who visit us for book offers and book deals every single day

While we have 4.1 Million+ readers, there is a very special set of our most loyal readers who check our Apps and Blogs and Sites every single day. This is approximately 615,000+ Daily Active Readers. These are the readers most important for your Book Review Request

Based on all the statistics we have from the various App Stores, from our email lists, and our blogs and websites, we approximate that 15% of our readers check every single day for book deals and free books. The actual range might be 10% to 20% - so somewhere between 410,000 and 820,000 daily active readers

Here are a few important points

1) 615,000+ Daily Active Readers means 615,000+ readers who visit looking for free books and book deals every single day

2) On any given day, there will also be other sets of readers - those who check a few times a week or a few times a month and happen to check on that day, those who only visit once and happen to visit on that day, those readers who had one of our email lists or tweets or blog posts sent to them by friends or family, and so forth. So the actual figure will be approximately 800,000

3) Book Review Requests go out to approximately 40% of Apps and to 100% of blogs and websites and email lists. The exact figure and channels depend on what Review Saint package you get

4) Depending on what Review Saint package you get, your book review request will be sent to different lists and blogs and Apps on different days

Promote Your Book to 615,000+ Daily Active Readers

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