Review Saint - Code of Honor for Reviewers
Dear Reviewers, you are being offered copies of free quality books, in return for the expectation that if you finish the book and like it enough to review it, you will leave a review.
Your reviews will help authors sell more books, and will contribute directly to their success, happiness, and livelihood. It is therefore, imperative that reviews are honest, that you don't let authors coerce or bribe you, and that you leave reviews for books when you like them, when you dislike them, and when you feel strongly about them.
Code of Honor includes
1) You agree to acquire free copies of books in exchange for honest reviews
2) You agree that if you like the book, you will review the book
3) You are under no obligation to review the book if you don't finish it, or don't want to review it
4) If there are egregious formatting, editing, grammar, or proofreading errors then you agree to 
A) Let ReviewSaint know at so we can remove the book from our program, and so we can let the author know, if possible, so the author can improve their book
5) You agree to not share the free copies of books you get from ReviewSt with other readers or on the Internet. This is critical to the authors' livelihood. Kindly do not share these books - they are meant only for you
6) You agree not to respond to any authors who contact you (if they somehow figure out who you are) and offer you bribes or money to write favorable reviews
7) You agree to let us know if any authors offer to bribe you or harass you, so we can remove them from our program and also report them to the respective stores
8) You agree not to sign up with the express intent to write favorable reviews for specific authors
9) You agree to never write reviews for authors who are friends, family, colleagues, or are in any way connected with you
Please do not use this service as a means to get 'free copies of books' without having any intent to ever review the books. We work on a honor system and it hurts everyone else if a few readers abuse the system.
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