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Review Saint 107th Edition is Out! Get a Free Book in Return for an Honest Review!

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  1. **Attack Your Expenses (PDF) by scott mcdowell. Price is: Free. Genres are: Financial Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, Cutting Down Costs Aggressively, Financial Independence with the Help of Frugality. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 192 pages. ASIN: B08N2R4SYG. Also get the ePub version here, please. If you like this book, please leave an honest review here.

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Review Saint 100th Edition is Out! Get a Free Book in Return for an Honest Review!

Review Saint 100th Edition is Out! Get a Free Book in Return for an Honest Review!

  1. *Concise Pre Algebra – Learn Algebra Basics in This Easy to Understand Algebra Workbook Style Textbook – Detailed Lessons and Over 50 Practice Problems with Solutions by Josiah Coates. Price: Free. Genre: Math Practice Exercises Non Fiction of the Day, Sponsor, Concise pre-algebra. Rated: 4 stars on 30 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B07HVZ6YTW. If you like this book, please leave an honest review here.
  2. *Concise Algebra 1 – Learn Algebra 1 Basics in This Workbook Style Textbook | Including Detailed Lessons and Over 50 Practice Problems with Solutions (PDF) by Josiah Coates. Price is: Free. Genres are: Math Practice Exercises Non Fiction of the Day, Sponsor, Concise algebra. If you like this book, please leave an honest review here.
  3. *Freedom from Household Debt – The Simplest Path to Financial Freedom (PDF) by Stanley Ngwa. Price is: Free. Genres are: Personal Finance Non Fiction of the Day, Sponsor, Best tactics to eradicate debt. If you like this book, please leave an honest review here.
  4. *Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind – Spatial Strategy to Success and Happiness by Alex Neumann. Price is: Free. Genres are: Personal Growth Nonfiction Book of the Day, Sponsor, Harness the Incredible Power of the Invincible Mind. ASIN: B08K3ZJZXH. If you like this book, please leave an honest review here.

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Review Saint 98th Edition is Out! Get a Free Personal Growth Book in Return for an Honest Review!

Review Saint 98th Edition is Out! Get a Free Book in Return for an Honest Review!

  1. *Facing your Fears – A Journey of Riches (PDF) by A Journey Of Riches. Price is: Free. Genres are: Personal Growth Book of the Day, Sponsor, Self Help, Confront The Enemies to Your Success. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B08GWQTZMB. Also get the Mobi version here, please. If you like this book, please leave an honest review here.

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Review Saint 84th Edition is Out! Get a Free Book in Return for a Honest Review!

  1. *The Secret to Everything – How to Live More and Suffer Less (Mobi) by Neel Burton. Price is: Free. Genres are: Self Help Book of the Day, Sponsor, The Secret to Achieving More in Life, How to Suffer Less. Get the PDF version here, and the ePub Version here, please. NOTE: If you like this book, please leave an honest review on the store. Thank you!

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Review Saint 64th Edition is Out! Get a Free Parenting Book in Return for a Honest Review!

Review Saint 64th Edition is Out! Get a Free Book in Return for a Honest Review!

  1. *Best practices in Toddler Discipline from 1 to 5 without tantrums – Effective Strategies for Developing and Helping your Child by Mary Simmons. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting Book of the Day, Sponsor, Child Development, Toddler Discipline from 1 to 5. Rated: 4 stars on 9 Reviews. 109 pages. ASIN: B07STNP2K6. Please note: If you like this book, please leave a honest review on the Amazon page, here.

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Review Saint 44th Edition is Out! Get a Free Book in Return for a Honest Review!

Conscious You Become, Mobi and ePub Available
Conscious You Become, Mobi and ePub Available
  1. *Conscious You Become (Mobi) by Nadjeschda Taranczewski. Price is: Free in return for a honest review. Genres are: Nonfiction Book of the Day, Sponsor, Personal Growth, Wellness. Also get a copy of ‘Conscious You Become’ (ePub Version) Here. Support the author! Please leave a honest review on the book’s page on the store.

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  1. *Saving Africa From The Lies That Kill by Kay Kiser. Price is: Free. Genres: Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, How to End Poverty in Africa, Challenges Faced by Third World Countries, How the World Bank and United Nations Organizations are Undermining Africa. ASIN: B07JVFWYK6. Support the author! Please leave a honest review on the book’s page on the store.
  2. *Whatever Sticks Most by Darren Hogarth. Price: Free. Genre: Personal Transformation Book of the Day, Sponsor, Finding Work-Life Balance, the No Problem attitude of the Jamaican people, Jamaica, Contemporary Fiction. Rated: 4.1 stars on 8 Reviews. 330 pages. ASIN: B007W39MRK. Please note: Author had made this book free in return for a honest review. Please leave the feedback on the book’s page on the store after reading it. Thank you.

Free ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of Health Books, Limericks Activity Book, Inspirational Stories!

Review Saint 39th Edition is Out! Get Free a Book in Return for a Honest Review!

Free Health CookBook in Return for a Review!

  1. *THE HEALING POINT: The Swiss Army Knife of Health Books – A step by step guide to wellness thats enjoyable to read. Insightful, Warm and Compelling! by James Lilley. Price: Free. Genre: Health Book of the Day, Sponsor, Healing, Healthy, Endocrine System, Low Carb, Ketogenic, Holistic Medicine, Food Counters, Prostate Disease. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 396 pages. ASIN: B07FZCBGR1. Please Note: Please leave a review on the Kindle Store page after reading this Health Book. Thank you!
  2. *Celebmericks Volume1: Hollywood Movie Stars by You the Writer. Price: Free. Genre: Non Fiction Book of the Day, Sponsor, Limericks, Activities & Trivia, Hollywood Celebrity Limerick Guide. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 51 pages. ASIN: B07JBPS953. When done reading and creating ‘celebmericks,’ please leave a honest review on the Kindle store. Thank you!
  3. *The Divine Dots by Ali Khan. Price: Free. Genre: Self Help Book of the Day, Sponsor, Nonfiction, Inspirational Stories, Breaking Poverty Cycle Through Education. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 308 pages. ASIN: B07H7KVWD5. Please leave a Honest Review on Amazon after reading. The author will be deeply grateful for any comment you make about this book.
  4. *Motorbikes and Camels ePub Version by Nejoud Al-Yagou. Price is: Free. Genres are: Poetry Book of the Day, Sponsor, Free in return for a honest review. Get the Motorbikes and Camels (PDF Version), here please. Leave a comment on Amazon and Goodreads here. Thank you!

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Free Self Help & Time Management Book in Return for a Honest Review! Week 8 Review Saint

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  1. *BREAK-YOUR-BUSY(epub)(Kindle). by Richard Conner aka Ricardo Rochilez. Genre: Self Help, Productiviy, Coaching & Mentorship. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 148 pages. ASIN: B01L57GCEE.

Author Interview:-

How would this book help people who read it?

This is how it helped me.

I now only work only 2/3 the time I used to before BYB.

I have all but eliminated Busy Work from my life.
I no longer feel the need for motivation or procrastination.

I know what I’m doing and Why so get it done and enjoy the process.

I waste much less money, time, energy and focus than when I was pandering to Busy Work.

At least 80% of the work I actually do is what I call Real Work.

I have more time, space and energy for idea generation, exploration and implementation.

My mind is stronger, faster and more tuned to my creative instincts.

I am more in control of my thoughts, feelings and emotions and use them to my creative advantage.

I feel like I am giving more of myself to the world and living my gifts more authentically.

I’m clear on the Why, How and What of both my work life and personal life.

What life experiences helped you write this book?

After 20 years of business, creative business at that, I felt I wasn’t living my life and my creativity was severely inhibited. After a very long deliberation period I eventually decided to quit my business and create space to really connect with what I wanted to do. I didn’t know I was going to write a book but that’s what started to come out of me. In fact this is only the first of the Work Life Wide Open series of books that I’ve written over the last year or so. The books themselves go into my life experiences in more detail.

What should a reader do to get the most out of this book?

The first and second book in the Work Life Wide Open Series are purposefully short and concise. They are an on-ramp to more transformational concepts, strategies and techniques which are explored in greater depth throughout the series. These concepts and practices help us reconnect with what we truly want to give and receive in our lives. Even if we don’t know what we want to do and be in our lives at this moment. The book will help lay the foundation to discover this for ourselves, rather than have it thrust upon us by others or the High Definition Life context we’re living

What would you say is the biggest life lesson you’ve learnt?

You must always keep working to find the truth about yourself, this takes a lot of what I call Inner Work as well as work that gets things done in the traditional sense in the external world. Honour your creativity in whatever form it decides to show itself. Know that it will change, develop and evolve. Do what you want, not what others, or your un-interrogated belief systems want you to do. I go deeper into this aspect in the second book in the Work Life Wide Open Series ‘The Seven Works – Reconfigure The Facets of Life’ which is launching over the next few weeks.

What are some other books readers can read if they like this book and/or benefit from it?

Of course I would suggest my Work Life Wide Open series as they are released. The second book in the series ‘The Seven Works – Reconfigure The Facets of Life’ which is launching over the next few weeks. It’s already available on Amazon but hasn’t been officially launched yet.

Are these some relevant websites readers can visit after reading the book?

I’m not really a website re-visitor. For a long time I didn’t surf the web in that way. I was always too busy! Now I pay more attention to social streams around topics and subjects of interest. I only occasionally go deeply into a subject so I’m really only skimming to keep my finger on the pulse of trends in technology, science, AI, robotics, spirituality and business, all of which are great indicators of incoming and ongoing change. I think this is mainly because I’m in a period of pushing my own thoughts, ideas and insights into the world rather than taking them in.

Of course there is my blog ‘The Creative Core’ at I’ve identified it’s purpose and mission so to speak – ‘Change now. Unlock time and creativity’ – which I think sums up what my books and writing are all about. It dives into some of my background and starts to explore these foundational concepts I talk about and related insights and practices. It’s expanding all the time so definitely worth dipping in.

What is the inspiration for you writing this book?

My own discord and dissatisfaction with life which led to what I call a necessary Significant Life Change in order to reconnect with my self and life. In terms of inspiration, this book, as I’ve mentioned is really the first, gentle introduction to what is a large volume of work already written, in the process of editing and publication. What I’ve been amazed to see and experience is how the work and writing has taken on a life of its own. I gave it that chance by making space, creating a Work Vacuum for it to emerge.

I didn’t know it would come out like this but it did. I followed the rabbit hole as they say and a series of books came out of the other end. It’s been a continual stream of inspiration and insight. Underlying it all is a common theme. I want to share useful concepts and practical steps to improve our life context and life context. It’s almost as if I can’t not do this now. It feels good, honest and authentic. Working on both aspects, the writing and the marketing so that my work is as accessible and useful to as many as possible is a great challenge and experience. It’s my Real Work of the moment.

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Excellent Free *Motivational Wisdom Quotes Book in return for an honest Review – Review Saint Week 7

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  1. Wisdom Quotes Illustrated 2: TAKE FLIGHT! by Philip G. Schmitz. Genre: Non Fiction, Self Help, Motivational. Rated: 5 stars on 2 Reviews. 108 pages. ASIN: B01KN5BXM0.                                                                       Please leave your reviews at Amazon Kindle Store if possible.                       Please note: This book will be gifted to interested readers. Please leave a comment or email ( to receive this ebook as a gift.

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  1. Lifen Revolution!: Are you taking advantage of being alive? by Gopi Japa. Genre: Non Fiction, Philosophy, Atheism. 222 pages. ASIN: B01IGWRORU.   Please leave your reviews at Amazon Kindle Store if possible.               Please note: This book will be gifted to interested readers. Please leave a comment or email ( to receive this ebook as a gift.

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